Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Closing a Chapter....

I've haven't blogged much this month. I'd like to blame it on my incredibley busy social life or that I'm such a gym rat I couldn't bare to drag myself out of a high calorie burning workout but we all know that's not true! ;)

Truth be told, I've been trying to take care of myself this month and get my finances under control. The best way for me to do that is find a much cheaper place to live. So, I have broken my lease and found a place to rent that is $675 CHEAPER than my current apartment. My new place is 5 blocks from the beach in San Clemente with an "ocean view". It is missing a few things I am very used to - like a dishwasher and a washer/dryer and even a fridge. I have solved the fridge dilemma but I shall be sacrificing for a while as I become debt free. ;) I mean, if I have to look at the ocean everyday to pay off some bills - I guess I'll just HAVE to do it!! :p

I have also become an OFFICIAL resident of California. I passed my driving test this past week and also officially have my maiden name back! Double Yay! 2011 is going to be a new year with a bright new begining. I am very excited to close the Haney chapter of my life and move on in a new state, with a new old last name, great job, and of course amazing friends.

In the new year, I hope to focus more on my health and improving it. Becoming debt free and maintaining those friendships while across the country.

Thank YOU for being a part of my life. Life aint always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I am getting so very anxious to fly home next week! It's only been a few months since I saw everyone but it feels like forever! I have started making plans with friends and family to do visit while I am home and I am getting very anxious. I will try to pack this weekend. :) Till then I have a few things to wrap up (haha) here so I can go play for 11 days in Florida!! Bring on the new year!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Countdown to Christmas Break!

I'm surprised to say it but December has come quickly this year. I haven't had much Christmas spirit, which is unusual seeing as it is my favorite time of the year. Maybe it will show up once I get home. I haven't decorated my apartment, I haven't listened to the usual Christmas music or even dashed out on Black Friday to go shopping. In fact, other than ordering Christmas cards for work, I haven't done a whole lot this season.

This has been an incredibly difficult year for me, both for my personal life, my health and my family. My divorce and move - tho sudden - have turned out out to be a blessing in disguise. The diagnosis of my Fibromyalgia has been a struggle, but I am getting it under control. The loss of my sweet Gamma, was a upsetting surprise. She will be greatly missed this Christmas as I experience my first holiday without her. Memories of all us cousins at her house on Christmas Eve will forever be in my heart. Many other difficult things have happened this year to myself and my family but I feel like, I am very blessed. My Nana used to tell me that God never closes a door without opening a window. I finally get what that means and am very thankful for the family and friends I've been blessed with. This Christmas, the only present I need is the PRESENCE of my loved ones.