Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Closing a Chapter....

I've haven't blogged much this month. I'd like to blame it on my incredibley busy social life or that I'm such a gym rat I couldn't bare to drag myself out of a high calorie burning workout but we all know that's not true! ;)

Truth be told, I've been trying to take care of myself this month and get my finances under control. The best way for me to do that is find a much cheaper place to live. So, I have broken my lease and found a place to rent that is $675 CHEAPER than my current apartment. My new place is 5 blocks from the beach in San Clemente with an "ocean view". It is missing a few things I am very used to - like a dishwasher and a washer/dryer and even a fridge. I have solved the fridge dilemma but I shall be sacrificing for a while as I become debt free. ;) I mean, if I have to look at the ocean everyday to pay off some bills - I guess I'll just HAVE to do it!! :p

I have also become an OFFICIAL resident of California. I passed my driving test this past week and also officially have my maiden name back! Double Yay! 2011 is going to be a new year with a bright new begining. I am very excited to close the Haney chapter of my life and move on in a new state, with a new old last name, great job, and of course amazing friends.

In the new year, I hope to focus more on my health and improving it. Becoming debt free and maintaining those friendships while across the country.

Thank YOU for being a part of my life. Life aint always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride.

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