Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trains, Trolleys & Cars

This past weekend I took my first train ride! It was so much fun! We drove down to Oceanside where we took 'the coaster' to Old Towne (San Diego) to go to a Padres (vs Marlins) game followed by a Dierks Bently concert. The train goes down the coast and it was a beautiful view the whole way. Me & Kim took the train and then met a few friends in Old Towne where we grabbed a few drinks and explored the candy store before catching the trolley to the game. We had a great time with great friends!

Of course my life must always have some 'character building' in it. This morning I got pulled over for the first time in I don't know how long. I wasn't sure why I was being pulled over because I wasn't really doing anything wrong. 20 minutes later I had a ticket for window tinting on my driver and passenger windows (thats been there for 6 years, for my car not being registered in California, and for my tire tread being "too low". The next 3 weeks are going to prove to be VERY expensive. Let's hope I hit the jackpot in Vegas this weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Living in Fast Forward

As I sit here in my little apartment, decorated the way I want it to be, kitty cats rolling around on the floor, and everything right where *I* put it, I look around and realize a few monumental things in my life. A little over a year ago my world had literally just come crashing down around me. I picked it up the best I knew how and shipped a quarter of it across the country with hopes and dreams of starting over, yet again. At the time, I was scared to death, but such an amazing opportunity was offered to me, I just knew I had to take it. So, taking a leap of faith and putting my trust in God to lead me I embarked on the hardest, sometimes loneliest adventure of my life 2300 miles and several times zones away from my mommy and all my friends. I'm happy to report I have survived a full year of California living and I love it! I can't imagine not living here, though there are days I insist on packing the car and driving back to FL. In the last year I have learned to depend on myself like I never have before. I look within for my happiness just like Momma always told me. I never really fully understood that till now. I am perfectly happy sitting at home on a Friday night curled up with a movie. I didn't use to be! I also used to have this timeline on myself to have children and I'm learning to let that go as well. Now, I wonder if I could even handle children - I can barely take care of myself and the cats!! I have learned a lot about myself and my weaknesses and my strenths. I've met some great friends and had some great adventures and I know I will have many many more to come. My next adventure is in a few weeks when I go to Vegas for the FIRST TIME for my "freedomversary" with my single girlfriend Kim. I'm looking forward to the road trip! :)

Promise to write more often. Promise to always have a goal.