Monday, January 31, 2011

Settling In

I can't believe January is over! How time flies! I am totally moved into the new place and we are settling in well. The boys love sitting in the windows here. I love the view and the scenic areas to walk. The place is cozy and the neighbors are great. I feel much more at peace here. I finally feel like I can get a handle on my finances now that I'm paying so much less in rent. I've already arranged for one cc to paid off by October and that's a pretty big deal for me! I know this won't be easy - but living debt free will so amazing. :)

The gym and my diet has been a pretty big thing in my life these past few weeks. I finally cracked down on myself and I've been to the gym everyday with few exceptions. I'm starting to feel better and obsess less. I haven't weighed myself so I really don't know numbers - but I can feel it in my clothes and that's what matters.

That's about all that is going on in my life right now. I'm being very strict on myself so I haven't had much "fun" lately. Maybe next blog will have some exciting stories!


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