Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trains, Trolleys & Cars

This past weekend I took my first train ride! It was so much fun! We drove down to Oceanside where we took 'the coaster' to Old Towne (San Diego) to go to a Padres (vs Marlins) game followed by a Dierks Bently concert. The train goes down the coast and it was a beautiful view the whole way. Me & Kim took the train and then met a few friends in Old Towne where we grabbed a few drinks and explored the candy store before catching the trolley to the game. We had a great time with great friends!

Of course my life must always have some 'character building' in it. This morning I got pulled over for the first time in I don't know how long. I wasn't sure why I was being pulled over because I wasn't really doing anything wrong. 20 minutes later I had a ticket for window tinting on my driver and passenger windows (thats been there for 6 years, for my car not being registered in California, and for my tire tread being "too low". The next 3 weeks are going to prove to be VERY expensive. Let's hope I hit the jackpot in Vegas this weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Living in Fast Forward

As I sit here in my little apartment, decorated the way I want it to be, kitty cats rolling around on the floor, and everything right where *I* put it, I look around and realize a few monumental things in my life. A little over a year ago my world had literally just come crashing down around me. I picked it up the best I knew how and shipped a quarter of it across the country with hopes and dreams of starting over, yet again. At the time, I was scared to death, but such an amazing opportunity was offered to me, I just knew I had to take it. So, taking a leap of faith and putting my trust in God to lead me I embarked on the hardest, sometimes loneliest adventure of my life 2300 miles and several times zones away from my mommy and all my friends. I'm happy to report I have survived a full year of California living and I love it! I can't imagine not living here, though there are days I insist on packing the car and driving back to FL. In the last year I have learned to depend on myself like I never have before. I look within for my happiness just like Momma always told me. I never really fully understood that till now. I am perfectly happy sitting at home on a Friday night curled up with a movie. I didn't use to be! I also used to have this timeline on myself to have children and I'm learning to let that go as well. Now, I wonder if I could even handle children - I can barely take care of myself and the cats!! I have learned a lot about myself and my weaknesses and my strenths. I've met some great friends and had some great adventures and I know I will have many many more to come. My next adventure is in a few weeks when I go to Vegas for the FIRST TIME for my "freedomversary" with my single girlfriend Kim. I'm looking forward to the road trip! :)

Promise to write more often. Promise to always have a goal.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Settling In

I can't believe January is over! How time flies! I am totally moved into the new place and we are settling in well. The boys love sitting in the windows here. I love the view and the scenic areas to walk. The place is cozy and the neighbors are great. I feel much more at peace here. I finally feel like I can get a handle on my finances now that I'm paying so much less in rent. I've already arranged for one cc to paid off by October and that's a pretty big deal for me! I know this won't be easy - but living debt free will so amazing. :)

The gym and my diet has been a pretty big thing in my life these past few weeks. I finally cracked down on myself and I've been to the gym everyday with few exceptions. I'm starting to feel better and obsess less. I haven't weighed myself so I really don't know numbers - but I can feel it in my clothes and that's what matters.

That's about all that is going on in my life right now. I'm being very strict on myself so I haven't had much "fun" lately. Maybe next blog will have some exciting stories!


Friday, January 21, 2011

Ohhhh January...

As I read over my last few blogs I notice I am steadily decreasing in my blogging. Guess I have been slacking more than I realized. This new year has been off to a bit off a rocky start, but none the less, I'm glad to have 2010 over and down in the books. I had a really wonderful 11 day visit home for the holidays. I was able to see almost everyone I had wanted to with the exception of the few that were traveling. It was great to see those I love but I was ready to come back "home" by the end of trip. The night before I left, we celebrated my birthday with my parents and grandparents with my favorite spaghetti dinner and carrot cake. I was not expecting this so it was extra special.

The week that I returned was a big week. I had to quickly pack my apartment because I was due to move the first weekend I was back in town and it was also my birthday. The night before my birthday and the big move, my wonderful friends Ginny and Jessie took me out for a girls night. We went to dinner, then drinks. We had a blast. This was the best part of my birthday. Well that and Ginny's carrot cake that the guys at work gave me! :) Then moving day came. I had packed as much as I could in very little time but of course the day came and I was still throwing things in trash bags and suitcases. Some things may never change. ;) The afternoon of moving/birthday I came down with bronchitis and was in bed for 5 days. It was miserable - especially with no TV, refrigerator OR microwave! Then, as if this wasn't already a bad week - me and the boy broke up. 28 has been memorable, hopefully this isn't a sign for the year to come.

Since the move, I have learned how to do coin laundry - which is a hell of a lot more expensive than this bratty laundry snob expected! $1.00 to WASH and then ANOTHER 75 CENTS just to DRY? Geez, I was expecting 25 cents. I have also purchased my first refrigerator. I'm currently working on getting TV channels without cable. Remember, this is a no frills way of living these days. Washing my dishes sucks and so does carrying my laundry up and down the stairs....but I'm getting used to it.

My high school reunion is being planned. I cannot go looking like this fatty patty that I am now so I started back to the gym this week. Diet too. I'll keep y'all posted on that. I guess that's all for now. I'll start blogging more.
