Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Even on my weakest day, I get a little bit stronger!

I started this blog to remember my journey, even the hard ones. Although, I try to make a conscious effort daily to find the silver lining of things…..not all of it has been easy.  There is a Sara Evan's song that says, "I'm telling myself I'll be OK, even on my weakest day, I get a little bit stronger." Every time I hear that song I smile to myself and take a moment to realize how much I have overcome in my life, especially the past 6 months. A year ago I would have never expected to be single in California - but look at me! I am doing pretty darn good! I will miss my family and our annual Friendsgiving very much on this holiday, but I know those people are there for me no matter where I go. I am very thankful for these amazing people in my life every day. :)

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