Saturday, November 6, 2010

Shimmy from the Heart!

On my new lets-start-my-life–over-adventure I told myself I was going to do things I’ve always wanted to do but somehow something (or someone) always held me back.  After two failed marriages, it was time to focus on me. To figure out who I really am these days and to put my wants and desires at the top of the priority list - even if this means turning the AC on 60 and only watching HGTV, and blaring my music and singing at the top of my lungs. (I'm sure my neighbors are big fans of that last one!)  My momma always told me that we must be happy with ourselves before we can make someone else happy.  Guess she was right....

Meeting new people (that I actually want to hang out with) at this stage in my life, outside of a bar setting, can be a challenge so I joined an online womens group. At first I was skeptical and felt I was trying to date these know, shes cute, but shes not my type or she looks fun but maybe too wild...finally we were matched in a "connecting circle." So far I've met 2 great girls from this. One of them, Liz, told me how she wanted to take belly dancing classes and I knew she would be an instant friend  since this has been on my want-to-do list forever!!

So I finally started taking belly dancing classes. At first I was a bit in shock. I expected to walk into a room that looked like the inside of a castle with hot ladies dancing around in pretty outfits and shake what my momma gave me then after 2 classes have a 6 pack ! Well, there was no castle (it’s only the Laguna Beach community center after all) and we were ALL beginners so no one else had any more of a clue than myself. Oh and I'm still waiting on my 6 pack to show itself. ;)  My teacher was this awesome older lady, with bright red hair, and lots of jingle jangles on. She has quite the personality too.  She tells us she’s been dancing for 30+ years and after seeing her do “the camel” I believe her. The first week we learned what we call the eights. These exercise our ‘female reproductive system’ and we should do these daily because even these parts of our bodies need exercise. I quickly asked if these were gonna get us pregnant too because if so, I should definitely sit this exercise out! ;) We all are in the beginner class so we all looked just as silly and akward exercising our organs as did the other. It was also suggested that we stand on ours heads daily to prevent the effects of gravity. Thankfully, this wasn’t a class exercise! 

The next few classes were just as fun. They gave us zills (finger symbols) and we danced and clanked around. They made beautiful noise with a exoticxl dance…I made lots of noise and laughed at myself and my lack of rhythm. Then they introduced veils. I thought wedding veil…like it goes on your head. Boy was I wrong! It’s like this flat sheer sheet that one flings around and dances with. So everything you do with this veil is pretty so you can basically make up stuff and its called something. (At least thats what I got from it.) Last week they put me in a solo circle and I flung my sheet, I mean veil, over my head and swirled it around just like I did when I was a kid….I mean just like I was taught.  ;) It was so much fun. The whole class has been a blast.

My recital is in 2 weeks. I'm going to make my costume this weekend. I bought the stuff this morning. It shall be an interesting piece of work being as I don't sew. That's next on my list of things I want to do. ;) I shall post a pic of my hot glue masterpiece soon!

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