Monday, November 29, 2010

A Thanksgiving to Remember...

This past weekend I experienced my first Californian Thanksgiving. A Thanksgiving without tons of family, friends and food seemed very odd to me and at first I was extremely homesick but I quickly realized two things. 1. I was living the life I had always wanted to - exploring, traveling and enjoying life and 2. I'd see them in a month and for the time being, Skype would just have to be enough!

Wednesday night before Thanksgiving we (me and my charming CPA friend) set out to drive the 8 hours up to San Francisco. We thought we could make it all the way there that night and get up in the morning ready to explore. Well, as things often go in my life, plans NEVER go as planned. I should have known this when he dropped his cell phone in the toilet on the first pit stop that we were in for a eventful weekend! Haha.

We had a wonderful time. We saw the Golden Gate Bridge, the giant redwoods at Muir Woods, Stinson Beach, Lombard street (aka the curveyist street in the US), Fisherman's Wharf), San Jose, the Winchester Mansion, Sonoma/Wine Country/DeLoach/Hook and Ladder Wine's, Union Square, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Montery, Marina del Ray. Gosh we did SO much! It was an amazing trip, even with a few hiccups including a broken down car that is still in San Fran and my impessive ability to get us lost no matter where I am. We are lucky we are safe and that we made it back. Thank God for rental cars! :)

Now the countdown begins till I head home for Christmas! I can't wait to see everyone!

Taken from on the Bridge

Muir Woods - Inside a Redwood!

Stinson  Beach at Sunset

Winchester Mansion

Lombard Street


We spent the AM at the service shop! lol

Carmel by the sea

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