Monday, November 22, 2010

Malfunction Junction!

I now know how Janet Jackson felt the night of that famous halftime show when she had that wardrobe malfunction! Yes, it happened to me and my hotglue masterpiece. The recital was going well. I did an opening dance that we were taught about 10 minutes before our audience came in, not having a clue, I’d say we did well. My class dance was last. I was pumped and ready. My getup was a bit hookerish but I didn’t care, I had made it and I was proud of it. Not only that, I was confident enough to get out there and shake my thing looking like said hooker with my creative outfit, extremely exposed (maybe not but it felt that way!). Then IT happened, I felt the back of my skirt go, in slow motion. Someone had stepped on my skirt from behind and it came undone. I grabbed it with one hand and the front started to go too. I quickly Thanked God for deciding to wearing the boy shorts I had on and managed to catch the front with the same hand and hold it up. I continued the dance one handed, laughing hysterically and was quite happy when it was over so I could make myself decent. ;) I really enjoyed the recital and I can’t wait to take more classes next time. I plan to take a sewing class soon….to prevent any future malfunctions! J

My teacher, Jheri

The final hooker look :)

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