Monday, November 15, 2010

Here's a Story....of a Lovely Lady...Fresh Prince of Belair!

I had such a great weekend, I didn't even have a chance to blog about it!

Saturday was a much needed lazy day while cheering on my Gators. I will never ever take for granted being able to watch a Gator game on TV. I have spent several games this season, searching online for websites that stream the game live. Thank the good Lord for these sites. A fan can be a fan, even 2300 miles away! After all, the Gator Nation IS Everywhere!! I remember many Saturdays that were spent with all my girlfriends getting up early and spending the whole day having too much fun, covered in orange and blue. Some of my favorite memories, or lack of memories, are from Gator games and I hold those close to my heart...especially during homesick days. :)

Sunday I woke up to an enthusiastic call from John. (Enter new character!) I have been seeing this charming CPA for a few months now. He has been a bit under the weather so I was happy to hear he felt like coming out to play. We hoped in the car and headed towards LA. First stop, THE BRADY BUNCH HOUSE!! That's right, we live here and we spent the day being TOTAL dorky tourists and I had a blast. :) We found the famous TV houses right on the internet. We visited the Brady Bunch house, the Happy Days house, the Fresh Prince of Belair House and the Knocked Up house. Oddly enough these houses were all supposed to be in different cities than what they are actually in. It was very cool to see these houses from shows I grew up on and one of my favorites movies. My favorite was the Fresh Prince house. The owner drove by as we were peering over the bushes trying to take pics but oh well, I just smiled and giggled a wave! He was young,  I had to try, right?! ;)

Sunday night I had a field trip with my belly dancing class. We went to a great tapas restaurant and after we ate they put on a beautiful show. One of the dancers even had a snake she danced with! It was amazing!

This is a busy week for me. I have planned an entire menu of meals. I plan on shopping for them tonight and cooking them this week. I also have my recital this week as well as a candle party I got invited to by a new friend!! (Yay new friend!!) If I can figure out how to post pics of the houses, I shall. J

The Brady Bunch

Happy Days!

Fresh Prince!

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