Tuesday, November 2, 2010

On this day I am thankful for HOT water!

So I am creating this blog to remember my daily happenings as I go from a small town married gal to a big city single chick! I love home and miss many aspects of it such as my family and friends, sweet tea, boiled peanuts, the good ole southern food, and of course my Gators BUT I now call the sunny state of California my new home and will soon prove that with a new drivers license (and last name)! Doube yay!

Over the last 5 months in this amazing always great weather state, I have learned alot about myself. I have discovered that living somewhere without humidity and barely any rain really can control your mood immensly. I have found that ya'll is THE SINGLE funniest word in the English language to anyone outside the south and that I actually can't control just how much I really do say it. I have learned that there really is a whole different world out there and I have so much left to learn.

This weekend I learned what GAS is used for. That's right folks, gas. This southerner has never used gas for anything (besides making my car go!) and had no clue how useful it truly was. I got home Friday from work and I got this note on my door that my gas had been turned off. Well, you can imagine how surprised I was since I thought I was paying this every month with my rent but I thought oh well, I just won't cook this weekend. Gas stove right? (Like I cook alot!) No biggie. So I figured it out online and made the payment immediately, all of $77 and expected it to be turned back on right away. Later that night I filled up the bathtub and went to jump in and low and behold it was COLD WATER! Now I get it. Gas heats the water. Ok now I'll just wash some clothes. Oh wait stop. It heats the dryer too?! Now I'm just really annoyed! (And quite cold!) Well I have to bathe so what do I do? Ok I got this. I'll soap up and RUN thru the water. That lasted a few times. Then came my next bright idea. I'll heat bowls of water in the microwave and fill up the bathtub! That wasn't a bad idea but it was soon to prove it was a close to impossible idea! Today, I came home and had hot water. I've never been so thankful for my hot water!


  1. Hilarious you had me cracking up reading this...I can visualize you running to the tub with boiling bowls of hot water and that first dip of your toe in there lmao...Blog away BK YOU ROCK!

  2. What a great way to share your wonderful sense of humor! You were born to be a writer!!!!

  3. i dont care what anybody says, thats funny right there.
